Monday, December 20, 2021

St Joseph Mary Tomasi: Much to His Dismay

Today we celebrate St Giuseppe Maria Tomasi (Joseph Mary in English). He was born in Sicily in the 17th century. He learned many languages, and after becoming a priest, wrote many books teaching the faith very clearly to many people. He wrote under pen names to avoid acclaim, but people still praised him for his clear writing and teaching. In 1721, he was made a cardinal "much to his dismay". He was a humble man who didn't want attention or fame. He just wanted to quietly go about his work. People flocked to him, however, and it was reported that many who touched his clothing were healed. You can read more about him here.

We can learn quite a bit from the life of this humble saint. He focused on Jesus and on doing his work, not on trying to be famous or wealthy. In fact, he renounced his inherited fortune when he became a priest. What is God calling you to let go of today so that you can do His work?

God, thanks for the example of this humble priest. St Joseph Mary Tomasi, pray for us.

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