Sunday, December 19, 2021

St Angela of Foligno: This Could be YOU!

 Today we celebrate a saint that we can ALL aspire to be like! This is because for the first thirty seven years of her life, she just lived for the pleasures of everyday life. She was married and had children, and didn't take her spiritual life seriously.

But then one day she felt convicted about her life. She asked for the intercession of St Francis of Assisi. He then appeared to her in a vision and called her to make a general confession. After doing so, she felt drawn closer to Jesus. In the next few years, her mother, husband, and children died. This was devastating, but she felt God calling her to a new life.

She began a third order Franciscan (which you can do, too!). She began to have visions in which God spoke to her and gave her instructions. She wrote these down and they were so wise that they called her Teacher of Theologians. You can read more about her here.

So no matter what stage of life you're in, you can do what Angela did. Ask for the intercession of the saints. Do what Jesus tells you. Confess your sins. If He leads you to, join the third order of the Franciscans! And then who knows what He might do in your life. But it's never too late to start!

God, thanks for the great example of this ordinary woman who became an extraordinary saint just by asking for help. St Angela of Foligno, pray for us.

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