Sunday, December 12, 2021

St Barbara: Patron of Explosions!

 Today we celebrate St Barbara. She was born in the 3rd century, and her father for some reason imprisoned her in a tower. Some see her as an inspiration for the Rapunzel story. She spurned the pagan stories taught her in the tower and slipped out of the tower to be secretly baptized. Her father was enraged when he found out and ordered her executed, but she miraculously survived all attempts to kill her. Then her father beheaded her himself. Immediately he was struck by a bolt of lightning and died. This is the reason she's the patron saint of explosions and artillery. You can read more about her here.

Do we have the courage to follow Jesus when it means torture and death? Let's ask for her intercession.

God, thanks for the example of this brave woman. St Barbara, pray for us.

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