Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Blessed Charles de Foucauld: Playboy to Priest

Charles de Foucauld was a soldier in the French military for several years. He was a playboy who drank heavily and threw raucous parties. Then after he left the military, he felt hollow and started searching for God. He met a priest who told him to make a good confession and receive the Eucharist. He didn't really believe it would work, but he did it anyway. God met him in this act of obedience, and transformed him. He became a Trappist priest and ministered to Muslims, Jews, and others in the middle east for many years until some bandits came to his home and shot him. You can read more about him here.

Some people think we have to fully understand how God works in our lives for it to happen. But Charles shows us that all we have to do is obey when God gives us a task, and He meets us in that obedience.

God, thanks for the life and example of this playboy turned priest. Blessed Charles de Foucauld, pray for us.

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