Tuesday, November 16, 2021

St Albert the Great: He Gave us Thomas Aquinas

 Today we celebrate a brilliant mind who was also a saint - St Albert the Great. He was from Germany, and joined the recently formed order called the Dominicans. He was a renaissance man, a polymath who studied virtually everything including the natural sciences. He studied Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle and used their thinking to support, enhance, and understand Christian theology. His teaching was very influential on his student: St Thomas Aquinas. We credit Aquinas with the interplay between Christian theology and Aristotle, but he would arguably not have thought and written about it had it not been for his teacher, St Albert the Great. You can read more about him here.

Many of the saints were polymaths, being interested in and studying many different subjects. What is God calling you to study? Art? Cooking? Biology? God made many wonderful things, and delights in our study of them.

God, thanks for the wonderfully curious mind of this Doctor of the church. St Albert the Great, pray for us.

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