Saturday, October 30, 2021

St Alphonsus Rodriguez: I'm Coming, Lord!

 Today in In Caelo et in Terra, we read about a very humble saint. He was born in Spain in the 16th century. He married and had three children, and was living a quiet and normal life. Then tragedy struck, and his wife and two of his children all died in the same year. A couple years later his last child also died, and Alphonsus decided to enter religious life. 

He entered the Jesuits, and became a doorman. He welcomed everyone who came to the Jesuit residence by calling, "I'm coming, Lord!" to remind himself to find Jesus in the visitor, whoever they were. He brightened the lives of everyone he met, and finally died at the full age of 86, while praying, "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus...." You can read more about him here.

You can do what he did, of course. Everyone you meet today, no matter how sweet or how nasty they are to you... you can find Jesus in them and serve them as though you were serving Him. That's actually EXACTLY what Jesus told us to do. What we do for the least of these (in my life, that often means "the nastiest of these"), we do for Him. Let's meet everyone today with the thought, "I'm coming, Lord!"

God, thanks for the great example of this humble man. St Alphonsus Rodriguez, pray for us.

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