Sunday, October 31, 2021

Blessed Benedict Daswa: He Stood Against Witchcraft

 Today in In Caelo et in Terra, we read about Blessed Benedict Daswa. He lived in South Africa, and was born into a Jewish family. But he converted to Catholicism in his teens. He then became a happy husband and father of eight children. He stood up to the paganism and witchcraft of his community, denouncing it as the evil that it was. When lightning struck a building in town, he refused to pay the tribute that was customary to find out who was responsible for the lightning (by means of witchcraft) and the town turned against him. He stopped his car due to some logs on the road one day, and a mob attacked and killed him. His final words mirrored those of Jesus, "God, into your hands receive my spirit." You can read more about him here.

Today is Halloween, and we celebrate the eve of all hallow's day, which is where the name Halloween gets its name. We also play with images of death, ghosts, witches, and goblins in a playful way. As long as we understand (and teach our children) that these things are just for play and not to be done seriously, there's no harm. We do need to make clear that books and movies like Harry Potter might be fun to watch, but we should not ever dabble in the witchcraft that is portrayed on screen. Our faith states very clearly that all forms of witchcraft are sinful and to be avoided.

The world doesn't like it when we don't agree with their plans. The farther they get from the truth, the angrier they become at those who speak it. We need to continue to speak that truth, in love. And we need to realize that, like Blessed Benedict, there will sometimes be consequences when we do. But greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world.

God, thanks for the brave example of this young man. Blessed Benedict Daswa, pray for us.

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