Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Blessed Pier-Giorgio Frassati: Exuberantly Holy

 Today I chose to remember Blessed Pier-Giorgio Frassati. His feast day was July 10, but I didn't have my book with me so I chose someone else. Today's feast day (July 13) is Blessed Carlos Santiago, but I really like Frassati, so I'm going to talk about him today.

He was a very convivial young man. As you can see in the picture above, he loved life. He took groups on nature walks in the mountains. He loved the poor so much that even as a young boy he would give away his shoes to the poor. He contracted polio when just a young man and died a few days later. At his funeral, his friends and family discovered for the first time how much he had given to the poor, because hundreds of poor people came to pay their respects to someone who had taken care of them during his lifetime. You can read more about him here.

What do you want to be remembered for when you're gone?

God, thanks for the exuberant and loving example of this young man. St Pier-Giorgio Frassati, pray for us.

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