Saturday, June 12, 2021

St Barnabus: Patron Saint of Facebook

 Today in the book In Caelo et in Terra, we read about St Barnabus the Apostle. He was called an apostle even though he wasn't part of the original 12. And I call him the patron saint of Facebook because of what he did.

He helped Paul bridge the gap between being a Jew who hated Christians and tried to kill them, to being a trusted member of the Christian church who traveled all over the known world, spreading the good news of Jesus. Many of the disciples didn't trust Paul after his conversion, but Barnabus reached out and helped him, even going on missionary voyages with him. He helped him when others turned their backs on him.

On Facebook and other social media, it's easy to attack. It's simple to write people off and not give them a chance. Helping people to overcome their challenges takes patience and kindness. Let's learn to be more like Barnabus and believe in people even when they have trouble believing in themselves. You can read more about him here.

God, thanks for the great example of this apostle who, even when he disagreed with Paul and went his separate way, still lifted him up and didn't speak evil about him. St Barnabus, pray for us.

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