Monday, November 2, 2020

we are beside the kebar river

 Today in the One Year Bible, we read from Ezekiel 1:1-3:15. We read about the Kebar river where Ezekiel was given his vision of God and the message that Ezekiel was to give the people of Israel. The picture above is of the Kebar Dam, which is the oldest arch dam still functional in the world. It was built by the Mongols around 1300 AD.

So you can look at the picture above and imagine Ezekiel standing beside it. God shows him many things, including angels and the spirit of God, which appeared to Ezekiel like wheels within wheels. 

The message God gives Ezekiel is one that we can take to heart today. He says to go give the people in his nation a message, and whether or not they listen is up to them. But Ezekiel needed to go tell them what God said, to give them a chance to repent.

You and I have a similar calling today. We are also to speak the truth. Online, in person, in the voting booth... we are to be salt and light in our world, speaking the truth even when the enemies of God gnash their teeth and threaten us with violence. They might not listen to God's warning, but that's not our responsibility. Our task is to speak the truth in love, and hopefully they will listen and come back to Him.

God, thanks for giving us our mission right alongside Ezekiel. Help us to speak Your truth in love.