Monday, November 9, 2020

I'll take "a good man is hard to find" for 500, Alex

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from Ezekiel 18:1-19:14. In this passage, God teaches us that the sins of the fathers are not visited upon their children. The one who sins is the one who dies, God tells us. He goes ON to say that even the wicked people can turn from their wickedness and be saved. And He ends this passage by saying, "Do I take any pleasure in the death of the wicked? Rather, am I not pleased when they turn from their wicked ways and live?"

But He tells us about the good man, too. The man who doesn't do evil, and who takes care of those who need help.

We lost a good man today. Alex Trebek lived an extraordinary life. He held the Guinness Book of World Records ... er, record... for hosting the most game shows. He was a man of deep faith, a Christian, and believed in the power of prayer. Watch this heart-breaking video that will make you both laugh and cry.  Read this article about Alex and his bravery in the face of the disease that he fought for years. He said, ""Now normally, the prognosis for this is not very encouraging, but I'm going to fight this, and I'm going to keep working. And with the love and support of my family and friends and with the help of your prayers also, I plan to beat the low survival rate statistics for this disease."

Today we rejoice that a good man passed away peacefully in his home, surrounded by family. He fought a good fight and finished strong. He gave us a good example to follow. He showed us the example given in our Bible reading of the good man who looks after the poor and feeds the hungry. Let's follow his example.

God, thanks for giving us the good life and example of Alex Trebek. Please welcome him home.


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