Wednesday, October 21, 2020

no drinking, no dancing, no pork

 Today in the One Year Bible, we read from Jeremiah 35:1-36:32. Jeremiah tests some men by giving them wine to drink, and they say no we won't drink it because we were taught not to, and we're trying to live holy lives.

There have been many such observances throughout history. Today devout Muslims don't drink wine or eat pork. Refraining from dancing or playing cards was a staunch Baptist teaching at one time, though most Baptists I know have no issues with drinking, dancing, or playing cards. Does this mean that these teachings and practices are just nonsense? That we shouldn't pay attention to petty stuff like this? Isn't being a Christian just loving Jesus and other people? 

Well, no. It's not that simple. I mean, the greatest commandments are in fact to love God and love other people. But God also gave us other directions, so that we might live long healthy lives in which to serve Him. His commandments in the Old Testament were not just a bunch of capricious "thou shalt"s, but they were rules to keep His children safe and healthy as they traveled through the desert. 

He gives us commands to keep us healthy and safe, too. Don't murder, don't steal, don't get drunk. If we follow these commands, it will go better for us than if we break them.

God, thanks for giving us commands that make sense, and for giving us wisdom to know when those rules can be superceded.

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