Monday, October 26, 2020

moab: a cautionary tale


Today we read from Jeremiah 48:1-49:22 in the One Year Bible. We read about Moab, and Jeremiah prophesies that Moab will be utterly destroyed. In fact, he says that it will be salted, which means it will never become a fertile, growing place again.

And if you look up Moab on Wikipedia, it tells you that it was a real place, which was in conflict with Israel, and which was destroyed. 

The reason given in our passage today for Moab's demise was that they, "trusted in their deeds and riches." And it's easy to do that, isn't it? Many people today are trusting in their deeds and riches. They think that they're safe from destruction because they have money and have done some good things that people respect. Many of them trust in the reputation they've created by following what the world says is important.

But fortunately those who trust in God will not be put to shame. Those who trust God instead of man, instead of money, will find that at the end they will be brought into His home rather than have their homes destroyed and covered in salt.

God, help us to learn the lesson that Moab failed to learn - and to trust in You.

PS the picture above is of Moab, Utah