Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Elam: came and went

Today in the One Year Bible, we read about Elam. God tells the Elamites that their country is going to be attacked and beaten by the Babylonians. But, He says, they will eventually come home and return to the fortunes that they once had. Unlike Moab, they will be overtaken but will return home.

This little town in England left during war time, too. And they expected to return like the Elamites, but they never did, and we see their town left as it was in 1943 when they evacuated for the war effort.

We never know what the future brings. Sometimes God protects us and our homes from invasion from enemies. Sometimes He allows us to be captured, but then returns us to our homes. And other times our homes are completely destroyed. We don't know what the future will bring, but we do know Whom we can trust. No matter how our homes are treated, we know that God will take care of His children and bring us to our eternal home when the time is right.

God, thanks for teaching us about our earthly homes and our heavenly one.