Sunday, September 13, 2020

unjust judges


Today we read from Isaiah 10:1-11:16 in the One Year Bible. We read about some unjust judges, and Isaiah says things aren't going to go too well for them, because they take advantage of widows and orphans. Tell you what, if you wanna make God mad? Pick on widows and orphans. PS guess what sex traffickers do.

Now, let's look at what I just said. Sex trafficking is evil. Child exploitation is evil. Making movies about 11 year old girls wearing revealing clothing and doing sexy dances is evil, no matter what the excuse is for making it. These things are evil - these actions are WRONG.

I'm not judging anyone by saying this. I'm saying the actions are wrong. When Jesus told us "judge not, or else you'll be judged," He didn't mean stop saying that things are right and wrong. He meant stop delighting in condemning other people. 

The people who cry out for Gislaine Maxwell's blood? Who demand that she be put to death? Who want her to go to hell? Those people are judging, in the way that Jesus told us not to. We should ABSOLUTELY denounce what she did. We should without prevarication state that exploiting all of those girls for the use of the men on Jeffrey Epstein's island is horribly evil. But we should hope and pray for Ms Maxwell's repentance and salvation. That's the difference. Denounce the sin (especially YOURS!) but love the sinner (including you.)

God, thanks for teaching us what judging means. Help us to fight sin and love sinners.

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