Wednesday, September 16, 2020

salt and light in a dying world

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from Isaiah 22:1-24:23. Isaiah tells us that his country is falling apart. "The whole city is in an uproar... bodies are lying everywhere... all your leaders have fled."

We see a world on fire all around us today, too. This is seen as a great victory, where it's becoming a legally protected class to be gender fluid and non binary. This means that it is now illegal in the UK to "discriminate" against people who consider themselves to be something other than male or female. We're sliding down the slippery slope, all of us, and soon it will be illegal in all western countries to refer to someone by anything but their chosen pronoun, no matter how ridiculous it is. People are already getting fired at colleges for not calling people by their chosen pronouns. 

Meanwhile Cuties, a film that supposedly depicts the horrors of the hypersexualization of children in order to stop it, but does so by hypersexualizing ACTUAL CHILDREN, is being defended by not only the radical left, which has been pushing for the legalization of pedophilia for years, but even by some Christians, who have been so desensitized to our sexual culture that they don't see the shocking depictions of child sexuality in the movie as being sick and wrong.

So what are we to do about all of this? The world seems hell bent, literally. And there are, believe it or not (I know most of you reading this DO, in fact believe it), actual demonic forces at work in the world trying to destroy us. 

We Christians, who are followers of Jesus, must be salt and light. We must speak out against the evils of our time. And at the same time, perhaps even more importantly, we must love sinners. We're only here for a blink of an eye. Soon we'll be heading home. Let's make sure we gather as many people to take with us as we can. Love those in your world. Even the dumb ones, the nasty ones, and the stinky ones. Love everyone. 

The world needs us, whether it likes it or not.

God, thanks for allowing us to be salt and light. Please keep us salty and bright.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

A complete truth. Thanks Jeff.