Monday, September 21, 2020

He will supply all you need


Today we read from Isaiah 33:10-36:22 in the One Year Bible. God is telling us who will "dwell on high". He says those who are honest and fair, who refuse to profit by fraud and refuse bribes. Then He goes on to say that He will provide what they need: "The rocks of the mountains will be their fortress. Food will be supplied to them, and they will have water in abundance."

That's a big thing for us to remember. To remind ourselves of. God isn't just AWARE of what we need. Sometimes we have to remind ourselves of even THAT, right? "Does God even know that I need to pay my rent? Feed my family? Does He care?"

Not only does God know this about you, He CREATED you with these needs and desires. He gave you the need for security and food and drink. So don't worry. He will provide for your needs. Does He expect you to work? Of course. Can other people hurt us? Yes, they can. But God knows what you need. And if you trust Him, and ask Him to take care of you, He always will.

 I can tell you from years of experience that even when you have NO IDEA where your rent or food money is going to come from... God is faithful. He will take care of you. Ask Him to help you, keep your eyes open for the answer He gives you. 

And trust Him.

God, thanks for taking care of all of our needs, which You know about because You made them.