Wednesday, September 9, 2020

country in ruins

Today we read from Isaiah 1:1-2:22 in the One Year Bible. Isaiah begins by telling us that God is unhappy that His people Israel have turned away from Him. And what he describes sounds pretty familiar.

"Must you rebel forever?" "Your country lies in ruins." "When you come to worship Me, you bring meaningless gifts." "Learn to do good. Seek justice."

The world today, especially the US, is in a bad place. The news can't even keep up with all of the rioting and murders happening on a daily basis. A man with cancer killed his wife and two adult sons before taking his own life yesterday, and it didn't even make a splash in the news. We've become jaded and cynical about the world around us. Depression is rising along with the suicide rate. People are giving up. 

But God still reaches out. God, who spoke to and through Isaiah back in the day is still speaking to and through us today. We have to remember, every day, that the words we say may be the only gospel someone ever hears. The smile we give a stranger today might be the only glimpse of the Kingdom of God they've ever seen. We have to be His hands and feet and shoulder to cry on. That's why we're here... to love God, and to love other people. 

Let's shine a little brighter in this dark world.

God, thanks for giving us Your light that never fades. Please shine through us.


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