Sunday, September 6, 2020

becoming wise

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from Ecclesiastes 10:1-12:14. Solomon is teaching us how to be wise. He says that you can tell a person is foolish just by the way they walk down the street. And we all have a pretty vivid mental image of that walk, don't we?

He proceeds to give us bite sized nuggets of wisdom, one after another. Some of them seem overly simple: "A wise person chooses the right road; a fool takes the wrong one." Well, duh, Solomon. But if you think about what he said, there is some wisdom to be gleaned from it. If you are foolish (which we ALL are at one time), and we take that wrong road... what are we to do? Too many of us double down and continue down that wrong road all the way to the end. And that's not wise, right?

Wisdom tells us that if we DO, in our foolishness, choose the wrong road, we should admit it, confess our mistake, and then go find the RIGHT road. 

The great thing about all of this is God helps us. He tells us point blank that if any of us lack wisdom (like we all do), all we have to do is ask. And He will give us wisdom. I make a habit of asking for wisdom on a daily basis. I need it!

God, thanks for teaching us to be wise.