Tuesday, August 4, 2020

what others do

Today we read from 2 Chronicles 33:14-34:33 in the One Year Bible. We're told that Manasseh did good things during his reign. Besides the good things he did himself, the Bible tells us that "he also encouraged the people of Judah to worship the LORD, the God of Israel."

In America, we sometimes get the wrong impression. We highly value our individuality, sometimes to our own detriment. We are, unfortunately, experiencing the negative effects of that hyperindividualism today, and people are so lonely and isolated that they are taking their own lives. The societies that consistently show that their people live the longest are those where they live in community. And Corona virus is making our individualism even more exacerbated.

But the selection from the Bible today reminds us that we aren't just responsible for ourselves. We need each other, and we are responsible for each other. We can't just make sure that we ourselves are doing the right thing and who cares about everyone else. We have to help them to do right, too. We need to be inspiring others to know God better, and to do His will. Fortunately, He will help us do that. We only have to set the example, and He will work in their hearts to bring about the change.

God, thanks for calling us to help other people.

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