Monday, August 10, 2020


 Today we read from Ezra 8:21-9:15 in the One Year Bible. We're told by the writer, maybe Ezra, that he and the people of Israel fasted and prayed and humbled themselves before God. And this was very effective.

We need to do that today, too, don't we? That doesn't mean necessarily going without food. Although that's often a good idea, too, and even has health benefits, the main thing that we probably need to fast from these days is gadgets. We are living in a world of perpetual distraction. From the moment we wake up until we go to sleep at night, we are constantly bombarded with information and entertainment. We carry our cell phones everywhere we go, so that every waking second can be filled with music and shows and movies and social media. None of those things are bad in themselves. But we DO need to fast from them occasionally, so that we can be quiet and let the still, small voice of God speak to our hearts.

We also need to take a break from all of that media because boredom is actually GOOD for you. Boredom is the seed of creativity. It's really good for your creative spirit to sit quietly and be "bored" for a little while. When I'm forced to go without my phone or social media for a few minutes, it's amazing to me what new creative ideas spring to mind.

So consider taking a little fast from your electronics. Give your spirit room to breathe. You'll be amazed what comes out of it.

God, thanks for calling us to get quiet and listen.