Friday, July 31, 2020

seeking God

Today we read from 2 Chronicles 26:1-28:27 in the One Year Bible. We read about King Uzziah, who pleased God during his reign. One reason the Bible gives for this is that he "sought God". And that's a curious phrase.

What does it mean to seek God? Well, if you have a relationship with God (and I'm sure most of you reading this do), you know what it means. God isn't a tame lion. He doesn't just do whatever you tell Him, and He's not always the easiest to pin down on things. So to have a relationship with Him, you have to seek Him out. It means being patient sometimes. It means waiting on Him. When we learn to seek Him, and wait patiently, He rewards us with His gifts... and most of all, with Himself.

God, thanks for teaching us to seek You.

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