Saturday, July 4, 2020

one nation under God

Today we read from 2 Kings 22:3-23:30 in the One Year Bible. The king of Israel reads the law in the scrolls and realizes that his nation is under God's judgment, so he does everything he can to fix the ways that his country has gone wrong, and averts disaster.

If we look around our country today, July 4, we see that we're a mess. We're deeply divided on so many issues, and it doesn't look like we're going to fix that anytime soon. There are some natural disasters, too, which seem to be exacerbating all of our problems.

So what can we do? Well, what we CAN'T do is fix other people. We can't force people to think like us, or to live the way we think they should. But what we CAN do is pray. God promises in the verse above that if we humble ourselves and pray and turn from our sins, He will hear us and heal our land. Notice He doesn't say that EVERYONE in our country has to do these things. Only HIS people. That's us. If we humble ourselves and pray and repent of our sins, He will heal our country.

So let's pray.

God, thanks for giving us the solution. Please help us to humble ourselves, pray, and turn from our sins.

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