Sunday, June 14, 2020

what's the deal with the golden calfs???

Today we read from 1 Kings 12:20-13:34 in the One Year Bible. The king decides to take care of the people by not making them travel so far to worship God at the temple. So instead, he makes some golden calves. But Jeff, you might be objecting, you said "calfs" in the title! Why are you saying calves now? Because BOTH ARE CORRECT. DUN Dun dunnnnnn.... And now you know that both are correct, and this dramatic revelation will help you remember that. Calves is more common, but both are correct.


So yeah. Israel had a serious problem with worshiping golden calfs. And that seems really strange to us, doesn't it? I mean can you imagine yourself going out and bowing down to a young cow made out of gold? Seems silly, right? And it is. But that was their hangup back then.

We've got hangups today, too. We've got love of money and love of sex. We've got a boatload of pride. And we've got racism, which we can't seem to shake for some reason. So let's ask God, who was able to help the Israelites (sometimes a little roughly) to stop worshiping THEIR idols, if He would please help us to stop worshiping ours.

God, thanks for helping us stop worshiping anything but You.

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