Friday, June 19, 2020

that Jezebel

Today in the One Year Bible, we read a delightful story from 1 Kings 19:1-21. Elijah just stared down the priests of Baal and killed them all. And this makes Jezebel so mad that she swears she will kill him or die trying.

This scares Elijah so much that he runs for his life, and begs God to take his life so he doesn't have to face her. Kind of reminds me of Hillary a little bit. Not to get too political here, but Hillary IS known for killing people. If I found out that Hillary knew who I was and wanted me dead, I might have a similar reaction to what Elijah did.

Of course, God takes care of Elijah, and He takes care of Jezebel, each in the way that their actions deserved. Which brings up an important question... if God took care of you in the way that you deserved, what would your life be like?

Let's live in such a way that when God takes care of us, we are glad.

God, thanks for teaching us through a salty character like Jezebel.