Thursday, June 11, 2020

superhero hipster

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from 1 Kings 7:1-51. Solomon builds a Hall of Justice! It's actually where he listens to legal matters and makes his famous wise decisions. But it does remind you of the place where the DC superheroes hang out, right?

And in a sense, we can see Solomon as a superhero. God asks him what he wants his superpower to be, and he asks for wisdom. So God makes him the wisest man who ever lived. I wonder what would have happened if he'd asked to be able to fly?

And it's good for us to have heroes like Solomon and Sampson to look up to. But it's also good for us to see their weaknesses. Because while we do strive to be awesome like they were, we also struggle with what it means to be human. So even the most amazing characters in the Bible show us their kryptonite.

God, thanks for giving us realistic heroes.