Monday, June 8, 2020

if you could have anything...

Today we read from 1 Kings 3:3-4:34 in the One Year Bible. God asks Solomon what he wants. Pretty huge, right? He could have asked for anything. It's interesting that he ASKS for wisdom, because he demonstrates wisdom in what he asks for.

And that's what God does for us. He begins answering our prayers before we even ask them.

But that brings the question to you. What do you want? Don't answer now. Sit with the question for a little bit. If God came to you right now and said, "You can have anything you want. What is it?" What would you ask for? What do you WANT to want? In other words, besides the obvious things like health for your family and money to pay your bills... if you could ask for anything and get it... what do you wish you had the guts to ask for?

Dream big.

God, thanks for asking.