Monday, June 1, 2020

don't be like Ahithophel

Today we read from 2 Samuel 17:1-29. It's a fascinating story, with intrigue and betrayal and secret spies hiding in wells... what more could you want? And in the middle of this story is a guy named Ahithophel. He gives Absalom really good advice on how to defeat David, his father. But God causes Absalom to listen to the other advisor instead, and this ticks Ahithophel off.

So he goes home, puts his affairs in order, and hangs himself.

Seems a bit hasty. And it was. If he'd just stuck around, he would have found out that the other guy's advice wasn't so great after all, and he might have become David's advisor.

Today we hear about alot of nonsense in the news. The MSM has lost its mind for the most part, and seems intent on sensationalizing everything. And in 2020, there is plenty for them to gush about. But don't rush into any notions. Don't jump to conclusions. It's best to NOT follow Ahithophel's example, and instead get all the facts. Wait and see what develops. And make your decision once everyone has had their say.

God, thanks for teaching us the cautionary tale of Ahithophel.