Monday, May 11, 2020

you don't want a king

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from 1 Samuel 8:1-9:27. Israel is rejecting God as their leader and asking for a human king. God tells Samuel not to take it personally, because they're rejecting Him, not Samuel. And then, in God's incredible, inexhaustible patience, He warns the children of Israel that they really do NOT want to get a human king because they'll do horrible things. But they insist, because they see other nations with kings. So God gives them what they ask for instead of what they really want.

The lesson pretty much tells itself, right? How often do we see things that others have around us and decide that we want that too. And God tells us that those things will not make us happy. But we insist, and He gives us what we ask for instead of what we really want, which is actually Him.

So let's learn this the easy way. Let's seek Him first, and His kingdom. And all the other things will fall into place.

God, thanks for warning us. Help us listen.

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