Tuesday, May 12, 2020

what you intended for evil

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from 1 Samuel 10:1-11:15. In this passage, we see God doing what He always does, every day, in all of our lives. He takes the things that His children are doing, sinfully and erroneously, and He is working them for good. They ask for a king, rejecting God as their king. And instead of just giving them up to their own stupid devices, He sends Samuel to find Saul and make him a good king over them. Things don't go super smooth forever under Saul, but it was a better choice than some of the kings that will come later.

God does that in your life, too. Not just once or twice, but every day. The enemy sends things into your life intending them to hurt you. Other people conspire against you. Infectious diseases rampage around the planet, killing thousands of people. All of these things are intended for your harm.

But God works them for your good. I keep hearing from so many people about how God is using this time during Corona lockdown to teach them new things, to give them some time with their families, to do great good in their lives. As Christians, we don't believe in a god who winds up a watch and then steps back and lets it wind down. We believe that God continually creates, every moment of our lives. He weaves a beautiful tapestry with the crazy materials that are thrown at him by us, our enemies, and the devil.

If you find yourself thinking that He's not working things for your good like you think He should, ask Him to show you. He'll give you a glimpse into what He's doing. And then He might just use YOU to work things for someone else's good.

God, thank You for being such a masterful craftsman that you take EVERYTHING and work it for our good.

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