Friday, May 22, 2020

when life gets you down

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from 1 Samuel 29:1-31:13. David is caught between all kinds of drama. He is sided with the Philistines these days, who are the enemies of Israel. And he tries to fight with them against their enemies, but most of the Philistines are afraid of him since he's killed many of them before. So they send him home.

When he gets home, he finds that a nearby tribe has come and kidnapped all of the women and children in his home town, including his beloved wife Abigail. His fellow soldiers are very upset with him at this point, and talk about stoning him.

So Saul is trying to kill him, the Philistines won't let him fight, his wife and children have been kidnapped, and his only friends are talking about killing him. It's a dark moment in David's life. Many would despair.

But the Bible says that David did something that determined his future and made him a man after God's own heart. The Bible says he found strength in the Lord his God.

The exact same Lord, our God, is available to give you strength today. No matter what you struggle with, it's PROBABLY not as bad as what David faced. But that doesn't mean it's not serious, and it's completely normal and natural for you to feel down about troubles that you face. But you can turn to God and ask for His strength, and just like David, you can find strength in the Lord your God.

We will find what David found... that sometimes when we pray, God changes our circumstances. But other times, and probably more often, God changes US instead.

God, thanks for being our strength.

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