Tuesday, May 19, 2020

sometimes being good means being wronged

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from 1 Samuel 22:1-23:29. David is trying to avoid Saul, who is trying to kill him. Later, we'll see David running from his son, who is trying to kill him. In both stories, David has the opportunity to hurt the one who is chasing him, and he doesn't take it. Instead he teaches us something about being a good person.

It's so easy (and natural) to strike back when someone hurts us. But God calls us to rise above that. To forgive those who hurt us. To love those who hate us. To take care of those who don't appreciate it. To be kind to those who are rude to us. Is it easy to do that? No, in fact, sometimes it's impossible for us to do it - in our own strength. But we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength, right? That's probably a better application of Philippians 4:13 than winning a basketball game.

So keep this in mind. It's not fun. Being good sometimes means people will hurt you and you have to suck it up and take it. Be nice to them in return. Sometimes you'll see the result of this: the person will realize they've hurt you and you didn't retaliate, and they'll come to their senses and apologize and your relationship will heal.

Other times, not so much. It'll just be unpleasant. But one day, maybe in His kingdom if not before, He'll reward you for your faithfulness.

God, thanks for calling us to do the impossible. With You, we can.