Friday, May 8, 2020

life is like math

Today in the One Year Bible, we begin the book of Samuel. We read Samuel 1:1-2:21. Samuel's mom Hannah is very upset because she wants a son and hasn't had one, even though she's very old. She goes to the temple and prays fervently for a child. The priest thinks she's been drinking, but she tells him that she's praying and what she wants. He says God will grant her wish.

You and I have fervent desires, too. And in the pursuit of those desires, we will probably sin. Why? Because sinning is just "missing the mark." It's trying to do something very difficult, and failing. When Einstein was doing the math necessary to figure out the theory of relativity, do you think he got it right on the first try? When Michael Jordan played basketball, did he make 100% of his shots?

No and no. They both made many, many mistakes. They both "sinned" in the pursuit of their goal. But they didn't let their "sins" bring them down and discourage them to the point of giving up. Instead they "repented" of their "sins" and kept moving ahead. If they had wanted to avoid "sinning", they could have stayed at home and never did math or played basketball. Then they never would have made mistakes. But they never would have achieved their goals, either.

So go out boldly. DO the things God is calling you to. Love people. Make mistakes. And when you do, which you will inevitably do, repent of them, learn from them, and keep going. Your dream is waiting.

God, thanks for teaching us to strive for our dreams... even if we make some mistakes along the way.

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