Saturday, May 9, 2020

God in the courtroom

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from 1 Samuel 2:22-4:22. We're told something pretty profound. That when we sin against other people, God Himself intercedes for us.

That brings to mind CS Lewis's book God in the Dock because God in the dock means God on trial. It sounds odd to our American ears, but being "in the dock" is a British expression meaning "on trial."

It's important for us to realize that God comes to our defense regarding our sin. Because we tend to think of Him JUDGING us, instead. Accusing us of sin and condemning us for it. But it's a good idea to remember that Satan is the accuser. He's the plaintiff in the court, and we are the defendant. And God is our lawyer. He IS also the judge, but He's the one advocating for us. That's where the trinity comes in handy.

In any case, it's good to realize that the devil is the one pointing the finger at you and saying you deserve to be punished. He's the one bringing up the things you've done wrong and making it hard to forget about them even though you've already confessed them and been forgiven. God, on the other hand, is wanting you to move on and learn and grow. He wants you to become the saint He created you to be, even more than YOU want that. He's wanted that all along.

God, thanks for coming to our defense.