Friday, May 1, 2020

foolish promises

Today we read from Judges 11:1-12:15 in the One Year Bible. We read a tragedy. Jephthah is born to a prostitute, and has a rough life because of it. But he's a mighty warrior, and he becomes the leader of Israel because of it.

But one day he makes a very foolish promise. He says that whatever comes out of his house first when he returns home, he will kill and sacrifice as a burnt offering. I'm not sure why he promised this, when his wife or any of his children could come out first. And sure enough, his daughter comes out and he has to kill her.

The lesson here is to think before you make a promise. It's easy, in the heat of the moment, to promise whatever it takes to get what you want. But keep in mind... the day of reckoning will come.

God, thanks for teaching us to think before we promise.

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