Thursday, April 9, 2020

you don't have to defend the truth

Today we read from Deuteronomy 32:28-52 in the One Year Bible. Moses tells us that when we compare the Rock that we rely on to the rock that our enemies lean on, we find that our Rock isn't going to move.

That's a good thing to remember today. The media all around the world, including in the US, seems to think that if they repeat the same lies enough times that everyone will believe them. But the rock they're leaning on is false, and it will eventually defeat itself. As Peter Kreeft points out, evil always defeats itself. But the world will lie as convincingly as it can, for as long as it can, and try to deceive as many people as possible, before it defeats itself.

All we, as followers of Jesus, have to do is speak the truth. The world will hate us for it. The world might even kill us for it. But we don't have to defend it. We just let it loose - speak it into the world - and it will defend itself. It will prove the lies to be wrong.

Just speak it.

God, thanks for being the Truth that defends itself.