Tuesday, April 7, 2020

the hard way

Today we read from Deuteronomy 29:1-30:20 in the One Year Bible. And we hear a very important lesson that we should all take to heart.

God is telling the Hebrews that He's done some amazing things for them: He rescued them miraculously from Egypt, then fed them and took care of them as they wandered in the wilderness for 40 years, and even their sandals didn't wear out. That's a miracle that we often overlook today. They wore the same clothes and same sandals for over 40 years and they didn't wear out. Because God kept them from wearing out. He can do anything, remember?

He tells the Hebrews that even though He's done all of this, they don't have eyes to see or ears to hear, so they don't understand what He's shown them.

But WE can learn from them. We ARE given eyes to see and ears to hear. We don't have to learn these lessons (like the fact that God can and will always take care of you) the hard way. We can learn from their experience, and grow in our faith from their example.

Let's take the hint, and learn the easy way.

God, thanks for doing cool impossible things like keeping sandals from wearing out. Help us learn to trust You the easy way.

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