Monday, April 20, 2020

cities of refuge

Today we read from Joshua 19:1-20:9 in the One Year Bible. We read that God is the originator of cities of refuge. He tells Joshua to establish them throughout the promised land.

The term "cities of refuge" is a controversial one today. Some modern day cities of refuge are places where undocumented immigrants can go in order to keep from being deported. Other cities of refuge have been established for the unborn. And people get worked up on both sides of these issues.

But we should remember that it was God, who is ultimately just and holy, but also kind and loving and forgiving, who made up the idea of a place to go if you're in trouble where they will take care of you.

So let's keep that in mind, not just when we consider modern day cities of refuge, but when we make laws that deal with homeless people, or migrants, or the unborn. We need to remember to err on the side of mercy and kindness, rather than on the side of judgment and condemnation.

Does that mean we should have no laws? Of course not. God JUST GOT DONE giving the children of Israel several books full of laws. But those laws need to make mercy and kindness a guiding factor in how they treat people.

God, thanks for teaching us the importance of kindness.