Saturday, February 1, 2020

remember who you are

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from Exodus 12:14-13:16. God gives Moses instructions for some feasts and holy days. It sounds frivolous and silly. But it's actually very important.

He wants us to remember. To realize that we are a people that He has done things for in the past, and that He is doing things for now, and will do things for in the future. That He loves us more than we can imagine, and gives us daily reminders that He does.

If you're missing those daily reminders, you might consider slowing down, getting quiet, and looking for them. God is a great and wonderful lover, and He tells us how much He loves us in a million little ways throughout our lives. Be still and listen, and you'll see the ways He's saying, "I love you."

God, thank You for telling us over and over through our lives how much You love us. Help us listen.

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