Sunday, February 2, 2020

God knows you're weak

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from Exodus 13:17-15:18. God doesn't lead the children of Israel the obvious way because He knows that if they have to face the Philistines right away, they'll probably panic and run back to Egypt. He takes their weakness and lack of faith in Him into account and He takes them another way where they won't face enemies right away.

He takes your weakness and lack of faith (and mine) into account, too. He knows that we're human. That we'll fail. That we will give up and not trust Him completely. He knows all of that, and His plan is built around that understanding.

But let's surprise Him, want to? Let's have more faith and trust Him more that He's expecting. You think it's impossible, but remember when Jesus marveled at the faith of the centurion? Maybe we can make Him marvel at our faith, too.

God, thanks for taking our weakness into account. I hope we can surprise You one day.