Wednesday, January 22, 2020

let it be

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from Genesis 42:18-43:34. Jacob is dismayed to hear that he must send his youngest son to Egypt if the other brothers are going to buy food. He doesn't want to lose Benjamin, too. His thinking is erroneous in many ways: he thinks Joseph is dead. He thinks that he will lose his other son, too. He thinks that some harsh man in Egypt is going to kill his other sons.

So he finally gives up trying to outsmart the situation. He says, "So be it." He basically gives the situation up to God to take care of.

And he finds out the truth. Joseph ISN'T dead. No one is trying to hurt his other brothers. And no one is going to hurt Benjamin.

When we give things up to God, we find that He is quite capable of taking care of the situation.

God, thanks for teaching us the wisdom of resigning ourselves to You.