Saturday, January 4, 2020

a good man

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from Genesis 5:1-7:24. We read about Noah, who was quite an amazing person.

I mean, we know he was amazing in that he listened to God (very specifically) and built a huge boat exactly the size God said to (down to the cubit), and took every kind of animal on board the boat with him for months.

But what we often don't realize is how amazing it was that he was good. Think about it. God created Adam and Eve, and they had two sons: Cain and Abel. Cain killed Abel. That's how fast we went off the tracks. So many of Noah's ancestors were not the best example to him. And then EVERYONE ELSE ON THE PLANET was so horrible that God was sorry He made them and decided to start over.

But it gets even more amazing. See, these days God puts His spirit in our hearts and gives us hearts of flesh instead of stone. He HELPS us to be good, from the inside out. But Noah didn't have that help. It came later. Noah was just a good, holy man in the midst of an entire planet of evil people.

So the next time you feel overwhelmed with all the of the evil around you... remember Noah. Ask for his intercession... he's been recognized as an Old Testament saint by the church. And he knows what it's like to try to be holy and loving when you're surrounded by evil.

God, thanks for the example Noah gave us. Help us live up to it.