Monday, December 23, 2019

beauty and the beast

Today in the One Year Bible, things are getting intense. We read from Revelation 12:18-13:18. John tells us that the whole world, or at least those who belong to the world and whose names are NOT written in the book of life, worship the beast. And the beast requires everyone to get his mark on them.

We see, though, that John points out every step of the way that the world is ALLOWED to do this, and the beast is PERMITTED to do this. God is still in control, even during the darkest times. This should bring you hope. And it should remind you whose side you want to be on... because God has already won. He lets the beast and the world do their thing, and then He puts an end to it all.

Keep that in mind as you pray for the world. That they might find Him and get their names written in His book, before it's too late.

God, thank You for telling us about the beauty of Your design, even in regards to the beast.