Sunday, December 15, 2019

to die is gain

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from Revelation 6:1-17. John tells us several things about the end times, and one of them is about martyrs. There are a couple things about this.

One is that we should not be afraid of death. We know it's coming. We have the hope of heaven after we die. And we know we can trust Jesus. Even more so, we can look forward to the time when all sin and pain and sadness are over and we're with Him and one another in perfection.

The other thing is that we are called to die to ourselves a little more each day. To give up our selfishness and put others first. To set aside what we like to make life betters for others. So little martyrdoms each day.

So let's keep both marytyrdoms in mind. The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church. I think maybe God is calling me to that martyrdom. What about you?

God, thank You for making death, which has always been our enemy, into something to look forward to.

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