Wednesday, November 20, 2019

the source of (almost) all our problems

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from James 4:1-17. James gives us REALLY good advice regarding the source of (almost) all of our problems. He says that we are constantly trying to get things that we want from other people, rather than asking God for it.

It's very simple, really. But how many problems in our lives come from this? Trying to get things from people. Or admiration from people. Or love from people. Or attention from people. If we took the focus off of ourselves, and tried to see how we can GIVE to other people... how many of our problems would disappear?

Well, the ones that are left would then be taken care of by asking God for them. God knows what you need, and will certainly provide for you.

So let's learn this powerful lesson and try to give more tomorrow (or today, if you're reading this in the morning).

God, thanks for teaching us such a profound lesson.