Thursday, October 10, 2019

when we focus on pleasing God

We read from 1 Thessalonians 1:1-2:8 in the One Year Bible today. Paul tells us that we should be concerned about pleasing God rather than man. And when we make that our mindset, it can be tempting to become holier than thou and unpleasant to everyone. Right? "I'm going to please God and who cares what you think??" can easily become our motto. The danger of us becoming like Westboro Baptist is a real one when we take "please God not men" to an unhealthy extreme.

The way that we keep it in balance is through love. The way we please God is by loving His children. So we please God not men by loving men. And so how could that ever become an issue where we have to choose? Don't men like being loved?

Well, the problem comes because we humans are silly creatures, and we can easily be full of pride. And when we go out and try to love people, it can cause problems. People become jealous. We are tempted to try to impress people with our holy and loving we are. We want to love certain people but not others. It's complicated because we are sinful people.

But if we choose to please God by loving His children, and make that our daily goal... we'll find ourselves doing what pleases Him: and what brings us the most fulfillment.

God, thanks for teaching us to please You by loving Your children.