Monday, October 21, 2019

like family

We read some great advice today in the One Year Bible reading from 1 Timothy 5:1-25. Paul says never to speak harshly to an older man, but treat them with respect like you'd speak to your own father. Treat older women like you should treat your mom, and young men and women like you should treat your brothers and sisters.

Now, not everyone has healthy, happy families. If this is you, then picture yourself in a family where everyone loves and respects each other (like the Ingalls family in Little House on the Prairie, or the Huxtables on the Cosby Show) and treat people like that.

That's a great mental image to keep in mind, especially when people are jerks. Treat them like they're brother or sisters or moms or dads that you love and respect. Be kind. Be loving. Be patient. Take care of them. Is that hard? Sure. But you have lots of help. God will help you. And if you ask for the intercession of St Therese of Liseux, she was REALLY GOOD at this.

God, thanks for giving us a good mental image for loving people.