Friday, August 16, 2019

flying back into the cage

Today in the One Year Bible, Paul tells the Corinthians in chapter 10 verses 14-33 that even though they're free to do pretty much anything, they should not use that freedom to plunge back into their previous sinful ways.

We see the birds in the pic above. Maybe they lived their whole lives in that cage, and then one day the door swings open and they're free! They fly out and soar around the field where the cage is sitting. But the great big world is scary. There are cats and birds of prey. They're not sure where to go or how to get food, since they've lived domestic lives until now. So they might be tempted to go back into the cage, where even though they're in prison... at least it's what they know.

We do that too. Jesus sets us free from our stupid, habitual sins. And we're free to do anything, but that freedom can scare us. And the old habits are familiar and can be cozy. It's easy to fall back into them instead of venturing fearlessly out into the field of holiness.

Let's ask God for courage - to face the unknown and put the cage behind us.

God, thanks for freeing us. Help us live in that freedom.