Monday, July 22, 2019

what sin does... and how God responds

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from Romans 7:1-13. Paul tells us that sin uses God's commands against us, and causes us to be condemned to death. And we can see that in our lives, too. When you think about the seven deadly sins, they're just messed up versions of good things. Gluttony, for example, is enjoying food, which is good, too much. Sloth is enjoying rest, which is good, too much. All of them take a good thing, which God blessed us with, and blow it out of proportion. They get things out of balance in our lives.

The good news is that God is much better at this game than "sin" is. He takes what is messed up in our lives, what is blown out of proportion, and works it for our good. So if you follow it from the beginning... God makes good things, like food, sleep, sex, etc. And then sin comes along and causes us to like one (or more) of them TOO MUCH. Then God comes along and works that for good in our lives and in the lives of those around us. For we know that God works EVERYTHING for our good. Even our sin.

God, thanks for giving us good things, and for working them FOR our good when we get them out of balance.

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