Sunday, July 21, 2019

dead to sin... now what?

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from Romans 6:1-23. Paul tells us that Jesus died to destroy sin's hold over us, and now He lives to glorify God. Paul then goes on to say that WE should now live free from sin (dead to it) and ALSO glorify God.

If you're anything like me, you still struggle with sin from time to time. So let's pray that God helps us to die to it - which might, I hate to tell you, involve suffering. But it's worth it to put that sin behind us and move forward to glorify God.

Don't worry - your suffering isn't pointless. It's to make you able to turn your back on sin and glorify God. And one day it'll be more than worth it.

God, thanks for defeating sin's hold over us... help us to walk in that freedom, and glorify You.

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